Episode 248 - A New Legacy

Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe are gone from Legacy. What will it mean for the future of the format? We take a look at a few decks and gauge the temperature of other cards. Curtis continues his quest of buying Weatherlight. We talk a little Modern, a few video games, and speculate on a new Wolf Blitzer/Jimmy Fallon team up show. Thank you for your honor. 

Cameron McCoy - @Cameron_McCoy

Curtis Nower - @CurtisNow

Our show - @SpikeFeedMTG

Music by Micah Jones 

As of recording, the Curtis Mystery Box of Reserved List Cards is at $250.50. A gain of 12.87%.

Episode 247 - The Cat Fancy Deck

With M19 spoilers in full force, we give our takes on what we think are some of the underrated cards of the set. Cameron plays some Steel Leaf Stompy, while Curtis plays more Grixis Death’s Shadow. We  speculate on the Banned and Restricted List, and give our review of Westworld Season 2. Thank you for your honor. 

Cameron McCoy - @Cameron_McCoy

Curtis Nower - @CurtisNow

Our show - @SpikeFeedMTG

Music by Micah Jones 

As of recording, the Curtis Mystery Box of Reserved List Cards is at $244.00. A Change of +10.08%.

Episode 246 - MTG Finance Starts Right Now!

Spoilers of the M19 variety are upon us, so we take a look at a few of the cards. Cameron questions life and his choice of Modern deck, while Curtis continues his quest of being the only supporter of Arena. We talk about MtG finance and Batman. Thank you for your honor. 

Cameron McCoy - @Cameron_McCoy

Curtis Nower - @CurtisNow

Our show - @SpikeFeedMTG

Music by Micah Jones 

At the time of recording, Curtis's Box of Magic Cards is worth: $235.95

Episode 245 - Goblin Chain Welder

This week Cameron breaks Legacy wide open by playing an 8-year-old deck, Curtis comes to grips with standard, we complain about the state of Modern, and go over the new planeswalkers from M19. We also spend some time talking about Ocean's 8 and our general thoughts on the series, and a few brief thoughts on E3. 

Cameron McCoy - @Cameron_McCoy

Curtis Nower - @CurtisNow

Our show - @SpikeFeedMTG

Music by Micah Jones 

Episode 244 - Pop Like a Mark

Despite a relatively light news week, we get a chance to talk about Standard and Limited. We discuss the latest price spikes that have happened with certain cards, namely Underground Sea. We debate whether GPs are worth it, and we talk Far Cry 5. Thank you for your honor.